123 Numerology


Numerology Learning

The process of numerology learning was one of the most challenging and fun experiences in my life and, also one of the most eye opening ones. When I first started with this I was about 20 years of age and I was an aspiring young man who was looking for a meaning and direction in life. Even considering my young age, I managed to read somewhere about a thousand books by the time I was 20. The books that excited me the most, where books about ancient science, mystery and, of course numerology.

Numerology learning came to me pretty easy, and if you think that it was easy for me because I was good in math, it’s not true. I sucked at math, and I am still using calculators to solve the easiest of the mathematical formulas. Numerology learning came easy to me because I was eager to learn, it became my passion, my obsession. I read every book I could find on the subject and I met and interviewed many of today’s world leading numerologists.

I made a special section just for you called: “Numerology Books” on this website, where I posted some of my favorite and most informational books about numerology learning and science. I know that It’s impossible to cover everything that this amazing science can offer  in a one single book but, as you read on and develop your analyzing skills, some patterns will literally “reveal” themselves to you.

Numerology learning might be challenging but, it’s also very rewarding and interesting, there is always something new to learn, to discover and, most importantly that there are always people who are in the need of our advice and our numerological guidance in their lives. Knowing that our advice made a person and his family happy and prosperous, is probably the most rewarding experience of them all.

I wish you luck in your numerology learning, whether you’re new to this science or a professional, whether you use it as your business and guide in life or, you use it as a hobby to entertain your friends and loved ones. I hope that you will enjoy it as much as I do, and I wish it will give you the eye opening experiences that I had since the first day I started using numerology in my life. And most of all, I wish you the best of the best, and may you find your fulfillment in life!